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HTML for Java Applets

Posted 8:06 AM by Sobia in Labels: , , , , ,
HTML files are text files with special character sequences that specify the document formatting characteristics. The special character sequences are called tags, and they consist of symbols places between left and right angle brackets, as shown in the following excerpt: Here is some normal text. < I> Here is some italic text.< / I > The output will be as follows, Here is some normal text. Here is some italic text. Most HTML tags use the < tag > and < / tag > sequences to set and unset their relevant properties. For example, < B>turns on bold, and < / B > turns it off. Other tags, such as the paragraph tags may not require an end tag. A complete HTML file has both formatting and structure tags: < html> < head> < title> Sample HTML Document</title> < /head> < body> < h1>HTML Demo< /h1> This document is a sample of HTML. < /body> < /html> The < H T M L > tag indicates that the file is an H T M L document. The < H E A D > tag marks the start of an invisible header section normally used for recording the title and author of the document. Some programs will only look at the header section of a document. The phrase between the < T I T L E> and < / T I T L E > tags is the name of this document. The body section of the document, marked by the < BODY> tag, contains all the display information; in this case, a level-one heading (signified by < H 1 > and < / H 1 > ) and a line of normal text. To include an image in an HTML file, use the < I M G > tag and specify the name and location of the image you want to load. You can use the full URL of the image; a simpler relative reference can be used if the graphic is located on the same server as the HTML file itself: < html> < head> < title> Sample HTML Document< /title> < head/> < body> < img src="Twinkle.gif" /> < h1>HTML Demo</ h1> This document is a sample of HTML. < /body> </ html> If you want to connect this page to another document via a hypertext link, you must insert an anchor tag (< a>). Everything between the anchor tag and the end anchor tag will be highlighted, so the user knows that the lighlighted test or graphics can be clicked on. The following will build a hypertext link to Techno Talk's group on google in the sample document. < html> < head> < title> Sample HTML Document< /title> < /head> < body> < img src="Twinkle.gif" /> < h1>HTML Demo</ h1> This document is a sample of HTML. < p>Share your expertise< a href=">">Join Techno Talk Group< /a> </ body> </ html> The paragraph tag (< P > ) makes the test easier to read. A Web browser ignores excess spaces and new lines when displaying a document, so if you need to break a line or begin a new paragraph, you must insert < P > or < B R > tags as necessary.

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